Branding for Business in Dubai

Branding for Business in Dubai: All The Truth

As a business owner in Dubai, you know marketing is key to attracting and retaining customers. But with so many different approaches out there, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your business.

Let’s see what branding is and why it cannot be the solution for attracting customers and growing your business unless you don’t care about sales, revenue, and net profit.

Branding is a great tool, but it’s only a really small part of marketing.

What is Branding?

What is Branding?

Branding is the process of creating a unique identity and image for a business. This includes elements like a logo, slogan, and overall aesthetic, as well as the values and message that the business communicates to its audience.

“The goal of branding is to create a strong and positive association with the business in the minds of consumers, with the hope that this will lead to increased loyalty and sales.”

You read right, with THE HOPE.

In fact, nobody ever talks about how branding should drive sales. Great pictures, amazing logos, and beautiful websites, but never talk about sales.

Investing a lot in branding is great for organizations and huge groups like the Government Of United Arab Emirates or EMAAR. But it is not THE solution to bring sales for small and medium businesses.

The Basics of Branding

The Basics of Branding

I’m not against creating a great brand, but it’s important to understand that having a great logo, a good website, and pictures is just the base. It doesn’t bring customers and sales automatically.

Anyway, here are the steps to follow.

Define your brand

The first step in creating a strong brand is to define what makes your business unique. This could be your products or services, your company culture, or your mission and values. By clearly defining your brand, you can create a consistent and cohesive message that resonates with your audience.

Create a brand identity

Once you have defined your brand, you need to create a visual identity to go along with it. This includes elements like a logo, color scheme, and font choices. These elements should be consistent across all of your marketing materials, including your website, social media profiles, and advertising.

Communicate your brand

Once you have defined your brand and created a visual identity, it’s important to consistently communicate your brand to your audience. This could be through your website and social media profiles, your marketing materials, or your customer interactions. By consistently communicating your brand, you can create a strong and positive association with your business in the minds of consumers.

The Limitations of Branding

The Limitations of Branding

Branding has several limitations that make it less effective as a standalone approach.

It takes time to build

Building a strong brand identity can take time and requires a consistent and sustained effort (time and money, A LOT of money). This means that businesses may not see the benefits of their branding efforts for several months or even years. In contrast, direct response marketing can produce immediate results, which can be particularly important for businesses that are looking to generate leads and sales quickly.

It is difficult to quantify

It is quite impossible to quantify the impact of branding on a business’s sales and profits. While it is possible to measure brand awareness and image, it is much harder to determine the direct impact that these factors have on sales.

It is less targeted

Because branding is focused on building a general image and awareness, it is not as targeted as direct response marketing. This means that it may not be as effective at reaching and engaging specific groups of consumers, which can limit its effectiveness.

The truth

While branding is often touted as the best way to market a business, the truth is that direct response marketing is often a more effective approach, particularly when it comes to generating leads, making sales, and increasing profits.

What is Direct Response Marketing And Why Is The Best Solution?

What is Direct Response Marketing And Why Is The Best Solution?

Direct response marketing, on the other hand, is a type of advertising that seeks to elicit an immediate response or action from the consumer. This could be in the form of a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, filling out a lead form, or any other desired action.

The goal of direct response marketing is to create a measurable and trackable response, so that businesses can accurately assess the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

The Benefits of Direct Response Marketing

The Benefits of Direct Response Marketing

So, why is direct response marketing a better approach than branding for businesses in Dubai? Here are just a few of the benefits:

It generates leads and sales

One of the biggest advantages of direct response marketing is that it is designed to generate leads and sales. By creating a clear and compelling offer and a clear call to action, businesses can encourage consumers to take action, which can drive revenue and growth. In contrast, branding is focused on creating awareness and image over the long term, and it may not always lead to immediate conversions.

It is measurable

Another advantage of direct response marketing is that it is highly measurable. By tracking the response to campaigns, businesses can accurately assess their ROI and make data-driven decisions about their marketing efforts. This is not always the case with branding, which can be more difficult to quantify in terms of its impact on sales and profits.

It allows for targeting and personalization

Direct response marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences and personalize their messaging and offers. This means that businesses can create campaigns that are highly relevant and compelling to their ideal customers, which can lead to higher conversion rates.



For businesses in Dubai looking to generate leads, make sales, and increase profits, direct response marketing is THE choice. By focusing on creating targeted and personalized campaigns that drive measurable results, businesses can create highly effective marketing efforts that drive real business outcomes.

Francesca Taraddei

Francesca Taraddei

Francesca is the CEO of FT Marketing International. She is a certified Marketing Strategist, Direct Response Copywriter, and author of the book "How To Get Customers In Dubai". In the last 5 years, she has successfully helped over 3,000+ businesses and companies with their marketing strategies, developing thousands of online marketing systems to generate clients and sales and boost revenues in any known niche.

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How To Get Customers In Dubai